Yuhuu... :) Nice, sekarang dah tibe the end of July. Hrm. This month I've been through a lot, I did few interesting activities. Let me list it for ya. 1) Outside catering for SMK Sura's Co-Curiculum Week! Tak sangka, such a small stall can be a huge pain in the ass! Ye. Sekolah tu prepares 2 car park spots just for our stall; oh by our I meant HolaWest. Biasalah. U know, penjaja kat sekolah, ape je diorang nak jual, makanan biasa2 standard makan sebab nie je ada bukan makan sebab benda nie sedaap... Da lapar perut, makan ajo! So, one of the cikgu of the sekolah, who is actually the one owns the two spots at the car park ajak my HolaWest owner to open stall kat situ, mewakili subjek Kemahiran Hidup, which I found quite nonsense sebab masa aku belajar K.H ari tu just blajar buat burger aje. So, jarang ye kat mana2 sekolah ada stall WESTERN macam HolaWest punya stall. Giler bai. Banyak keje kena settle ntuk bukak stall nie. Kena hias area stall, kena angkut barang tue, b...