Practical oh Practical...


Currently I am performing my 2nd professional training in Shah Alam, Selangor. This is based on the course syllabus that state all Diploma in Culinary Arts students shall be sent to training in semester four and six (two times!!!)

So, basicly this is my 2nd practical / sixth semester. My first practical was in Malacca, in Mahkota Hotel. You can google it.

This time, I will spend another 4 months in Kelab Golf Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah...

KGSAAS, Shah Alam.

What do I think of this place?... Hrm... Well, the staff is nice. They do not push me a lot, and let me learn and do my job. So, I feel comfortable and try to get better day by day... I think so lah.

I am given a RM300 allowance every month and also receive RM3 ringgit per hour if I do overtime work. So, I think it's nice la.

Sometimes, staff is not enough, and I have to do double load of jobs and do overtime. But, I don't mind because the overtime is paid.

Compared to a hotel, this place is so much easier to handle and manage because the food and beverage outlet is not the main attraction, the golf coast it is. Many rich people come here and to play this sports and then, they will end up at the coffee house where I work. So, basicly I am cooking for rich people. And that makes everything double standard.

I mean, the food must be prepared and garnished properly because these rich people want their food to be worthed the payment. The food is so expensive and it better be outstanding when eaten. So, whenever I do orders, it has to be perfect in every aspect; size, portion, colour and odour. Or else, the food would be rejected or complained, and I will have to do it again and get scolded by the f&b manager. Haish...

Currently I'm in the Coffee House kitchen, preparing food to Golfers Deck and Agatis. Next week I will be in another kitchen department which is Main Kitchen where they only prepares food for big events and big portions. I heard, it is busier in that kitchen. Haish...

Anyway, will be around Shah Alam from 1st December 2010 and will end my training on 5th April 2011. And then, GRADUATION!!! YEAH!!!

Anyway, enjoy this snapshot of KGSAAS... Taken from KGSAAS website... :)

Daylight view...

Buggy - the golf car. Seronok naik this mobile car. Small, but fast!!! :)

Bag drop area, ntuk guess2 yang bwk luggage besar2; which I don't understand why they need to do so...

Read it.

Hah, pintu gerbang menuju ke KGSAAS...

I love this place but do me a favor, jangan makan sini. Nanti I banyak keje... Hahahaha... Kidding...


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