Cooking for Housemates...

So, yesterday I cooked Ayam Gulai Masak Lemak Cili Api... this is due to the request made by my lovely housemates yang still tak pernah rasa masakan aku... heheheh... So, I did. It was an honor actually because they want to taste my cooking and give 100% trust for me to cook it.

Hehehe... So, petang around 3pm, keluar rumah pegi Tesco, Shah Alam. Shopping barang-barang nak masak kat sana and then balik rumah around 4pm, terus masuk dapur and start cooking. Ala, ayam masak lemak cili api je kot. Anybody can do it, kan??? 

Time tu Fith and Kamal still kat kitchen class, and Fazli belom balik from kerja, so as Abang Fairuz. So, I cook the dish with T.L.C [tender, love and care]... hehehe... actually sangat takut kalau diorang kata tak sedap... So, I have to make it right and make it fantastic. 

Alhamdulillah. Things turned well. The gulai lemak is fantastic. And Kamal, Fith bawak balik kek from kitchen class, while Fazli helped the boys to cook some vegetables for our dinner. Dengan air sunquick yang sejuk, lauk-pauk yang lazat, dinner yesterday is one of the best dinner I have in Shah Alam, so far. 

Senangkan dapat housemate macam nie. Bila lagi diorang nak merasa aku masak. Semalam aku OFF day, so tak ada masalah la nak masak. Memang keluar duit sket beli ayam, sayur and other bumbu, but it was worthed. Ingat nak masak lagi next time.

Nah, tengok ar gambar-gambar nie. Sorry, snapshot tak banyak cause tak sempat + bateri kong...

 Ketika nie masih separuh jalan. Tunggu air kering sket then nak masukkan santan...
The final product. Ada sayur kangkung, ada sayur campur, cheese cake, ikan masin, dan paling penting, my Ayam Gulai Masak Lemak Cili Padi... Memang puas hati makan.

Masak nie memang buat sendiri. Belajar dari mak aku time kecik-kecik. Jangan plak pikir aku baru pandai buat, ok. Jangan tuduh2 ok, kau tu suruh masak Maggie pun refer kat YouTube dulu... Cis. Hehehehe...

P/S: Tadi Fazli ada request nak asam pedas. Hrm... Maybe I'll do it... :)


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