Moving On...
Kesian plak blog nie. Dah lama sangat kan tak update. Malam nie amat sesuai for me to update this blog because basicly, da takder keje, exam is ended, I'm on a 4 months holidays and all I can do all day is sitting in front of my laptop, bite anyone that interrupted me because I am busy pretending that I was working hard in the office but really I was just Facebook-ing, on my bed, in front of the 34' Full LED Sharp tv, which are nothing like in an office... Hahaha.
My Facebook... Add me, ok. |
Okay, since aku ada bagitau pasal final exam aku pada previous post, I would like to tell you how the exam end up. Making the report was fine, macam biasalah, aku bila mengarang boleh buat novel. Especially in english. Alhamdulillah, walaupun banyak aku buat last minute sebab bangang asyik nak delay, maka berpeluhlah aku menyiapkan report tue dalam masa yang singkat.
Baru 25% siap, dah terpaksa packing balik UiTM Dungun. Sampai Dungun, masyaAllah, ingatkan dapat four person dorm, rupa2nya dapat dorm style rumah panjang Sarawak tue, kat Gemia 3. Dulu tu bilik budak palapes.
Nak sangat2 macam nie. |
Tapi dapat cam nie, and NO WAY clean, mestilah bersepah giler sebab budak2 lelaki kot yang stay sini.. |
Haish. Hajat kat hati la kan, nak duk kat dorm tue, buah report giler2, dengan penuh kesungguhan, keazaman dan bersemangat jiwa raga nie. Tapi, kalau dah duk ramai2, memang mereng la tempat tue, tambah2 lagi, da lama tak jumpa sesama sendiri, jadi laaaaaaaaagilah mereng tempat tue. Dari nak buat report, terus tak jadi. Tengok Maharaja Lawak ada la, pastu layan movie lagi, jalan2 gie makan, main futsal segala. Maka reportnya, 'to the left, to the left' macam akak Beyonce tue.
Maharaja Lawak... Kenapalah nak ada time nak exam ha? |
Hauk giler tempat tue, dah la kena share ngan budak2 junior part 4, which I found totally ignorant, like ada yang takmboh senyum pon; ok fineeee... Pastu, suasana dimeriahkan lagi dengan barang2 berteraburan, habuk2 rokok segala, plastik2 and sampah dari pasar malam, semua ada. But, as a boy, aku tak der la tak selesa ngan tempat tue, environment budak lelaki, normal la. Cuma, nak buat report kat situ memang tak der semangat lah. Bilik tu macam penuh entertainment and masa ntuk beramah mesra bersama rakan2 je.
So, dua tiga hari aku stay bilik tue, aku buat effort sendiri dengan pegi library pagi2 hari, pegi McD, semata-mata nak buat report. Alhamdulillah, report aku siap on time, and tak makan duit pon sebab print kat printer kak long aku jer. Huhuhu... How? Bila report da siap, aku balik rumah kat Kuala Berang, OK, semata-mata nak print report. Bukan aku nie bakhil sangat, kedekut duit nak print kat CC, tapi maklum je lah, belajar dari kesilapan lalu.
Menunggu ntuk print da lama, sebab berebut ngan satu batch yang pergi practical nak print report kat situ, pastu, bila da print, nak binding, boleh la plak dia binding side salah, maka cacatlah report itu yang telah diusahakan dengan penuh kasih sayang. Itu tak kira lagi, kekasaran tangan pekerja tue, pegang kertas macam pegang konek, macam nak buat handjob plak, haiyok. And paling penting, print colour mahal nak mati tahu, satu page RM2.40 katanya. Padahal yang ada colour dalam page cuma logo UiTM warna biru sebijik tu je kot!!! Gila la.
Rela kau nak tunggu kalau line c.c macam nie? Aku tak sanggup... |
SO, konklusinya, tak payahhh! Aku rela balik Kuala Berang dari Dungun tu semata-mata nak print report. 146 pages. Personal record di situ. I am so proud with myself. Senyum je bila report dah siap... Alhamdulillah.
Tut,tut,tut ---> bunyi telepon. [Ewah]. Tengah kat rumah nie, beberapa jam sebelum nak kembali ke Dungun, si Nazri Zakaria, member aku kat Dungun tu call, cakap pegawai kolej halau. I was like "What the fuck?". Turns out, kitorang diarahkan berpindah ke kolej Tenggol A [by kitorang i mean JUST KITORANG without the juniors]. So, cepat2 la aku balik Dungun, kemas barang segala, and the pindah kolej Tenggol A. And that time, HORRAYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Akhirnya dapat jugak four person room. Ahhh, some privasi... Ada personal plug to charge laptop and phone. Masa kat Gemia tue, dah la ada sebijik dua je plug, yang nak guna da 40 orang. Haish... Nasib baik ada extension. Yang cepat, dapatlah guna... Huhuhuhu...
Anyway, the day moves on with making report, pegi main futsal [them la], and makan2, lepaksing bersama-sama. Eventually, the report is finish. I've sent them and start focusing on the final cooking.
On the day of the final cooking, everything go disasterous. We had no enough time, and I was having a terrible management, with everything is messed up, and my final cooking product sucks. All I can say is my final cooking didn't go too well.
Finally, Sekayu day. Almost about 20 of us went to Sekayu and having a blast time. I really enjoyed it, and this Sekayu thing, should been held before; many times, because it was so much fun. Too bad not all of us there, many went home before we can actually say anything, which is such a dissapointment... :(
Anyway, the day has finally come. It was the time to say goodbye... I decide to go home last, so that I can sent all my friends home. I was quite a sad moment for me. I rather not talk about it here. Haish...
Anyway, the day moves on with making report, pegi main futsal [them la], and makan2, lepaksing bersama-sama. Eventually, the report is finish. I've sent them and start focusing on the final cooking.
On the day of the final cooking, everything go disasterous. We had no enough time, and I was having a terrible management, with everything is messed up, and my final cooking product sucks. All I can say is my final cooking didn't go too well.
Finally, Sekayu day. Almost about 20 of us went to Sekayu and having a blast time. I really enjoyed it, and this Sekayu thing, should been held before; many times, because it was so much fun. Too bad not all of us there, many went home before we can actually say anything, which is such a dissapointment... :(
Anyway, the day has finally come. It was the time to say goodbye... I decide to go home last, so that I can sent all my friends home. I was quite a sad moment for me. I rather not talk about it here. Haish...
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