We Was Here!
Hehehe. Masa kerja kat HolaWest, paling tak berkenan kalau ada order roti john, especially kalau tapau punye order.
Tahukah anda, menapau roti john yang panjang itu adalah agak sukar? Well, skrang da tau.
Ini adalah rupa roti john, in case masih ada yang tinggal di bawah tempurung tanpa broadband atau streamyx.
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Okay, got this from Google Images. The roti john at HolaWest , I think is so much better, Sorry didn't manage to snap pics, cause I am working so playing with my phone is not allowed! |
Usually, bila ada jer order roti john, mesti aku meliar2 check salad, make sure cukup ntok buat filling. Kalau tak cukup, ---> run, run, get lettuce and chop,chop,chop! Hehehe... Same with chili sauce and 1000 island sauce.
Plating the john bread is easy like, spread that and this, and those, lipat and cut. Actually masa awal2 keje, nak potong john nie memang mencabar, sebab jari jemari besar aku ini dok tekan2 roti tu, and bleh tukar nama panggil "roti john lenyek"... Hehehe, tapi lama2 da biasa, cantik aku potong.. Hehe. Tapi, bab nak bungkus memang selalu fail.
Itu la sebabnya, kalau dapat order roti john, aku slalu suruh co-worker aku, Sayme nama dia yang tolong buatkan... "Sayme la buat! Bye". Kesian kau Sayme. And selalunya game suruh2 nie bertukar-tukar tangan, bila Sayme give up nak balut, terpaksa la aku yang balutkan... Hehehe.. So, basicly pointless la kan?! Get it. Takper.
Menurut Encik Wikipedia, roti john ini ialah...
"Roti John, essentially an omelette sandwich, is a popular Malay breakfast and snack item in Malaysia and Singapore."
Dan menurut Encik Wikipedia lagi...
The minced meat, sardines, egg and chopped onions are fried on a frying pan and then placed into the cavity of a baguette halved lengthwise. The whole baguette is then briefly pan-fried on the frying pan and then served after being cut into several portions. A variant is to place the minced meat, onions and sauce inside the baguette, then baguette dipped into beaten egg, and the whole then panfried on the frying
Dan nama Roti John itewwww...
'Roti' is the Hindi, Urdu and Malay word for bread, and more generally for any bread-based or bread-like food, including sandwiches and pancakes. The origin of the 'John' in the name is allegedly due to the Western origin of the Baguette and the tomato sauce used in the dish.
Sekarang dah masuk 6 hari berhenti keje kat HolaWest. Napekah mesti ada perasaan nak bungkus roti john tetiba nie?! Maybe I do miss my workplace more than I thought. Seronok keje, owner cool secool cool alam, environment dia sungguh chill, and bila ada je order banyak, lagi berhimpit-himpit dalam area dapur tu, lagi best perasaannya... Hikhikhik... Paling best bila 10 minit yang lepas macam "Dinchh! Banyaknyer order!" and then, tiba2 semua da siap buat... Customer pon siap makan bergedik-gedik lagi... :)
Haish... what can I do, peeps. Bukan nak berhenti, tapi dah memang kesuntukan masa ntuk pelbagai urusan kat rumah... Tak caya? Betol... Baru 6 hari kat rumah, macam2 dah berjaya dibereskan... Ada lagi on the way kena buat, cuma belom masanya lagi...
However, it's good to know that our legacy (ewah! legacy tue!) is now continued by Iman and Ramdhan. May both of them bekerja dengan bagus and also bergumbira macam Sayme and aku dulu... This post wasn't meant about roti john actually, this post is about remembering the place that I used to work... Get the essence? No? Takper. Buat2 paham je.
In case ada yang membaca blog nie, sebab ku tahu memang tak ramai, tapi tetap jugak menulis sebab berjanji dengan someone, hihihi, aku nak bagitau, if free and ada kat area2 Dungun, sila2 lah set GPS kereta anda tue ke HolaWest sekali, sekala. Kalau naik motor lagi best, lagi senang nak nampak HolaWest nie, area jalan pantai, before Ulek Resort tue je...
This is how HolaWest looks like in the night:
So, singgah la sekali sekala. :)
Sayme and I was here, and we loved it!
Haish... what can I do, peeps. Bukan nak berhenti, tapi dah memang kesuntukan masa ntuk pelbagai urusan kat rumah... Tak caya? Betol... Baru 6 hari kat rumah, macam2 dah berjaya dibereskan... Ada lagi on the way kena buat, cuma belom masanya lagi...
However, it's good to know that our legacy (ewah! legacy tue!) is now continued by Iman and Ramdhan. May both of them bekerja dengan bagus and also bergumbira macam Sayme and aku dulu... This post wasn't meant about roti john actually, this post is about remembering the place that I used to work... Get the essence? No? Takper. Buat2 paham je.
In case ada yang membaca blog nie, sebab ku tahu memang tak ramai, tapi tetap jugak menulis sebab berjanji dengan someone, hihihi, aku nak bagitau, if free and ada kat area2 Dungun, sila2 lah set GPS kereta anda tue ke HolaWest sekali, sekala. Kalau naik motor lagi best, lagi senang nak nampak HolaWest nie, area jalan pantai, before Ulek Resort tue je...
This is how HolaWest looks like in the night:
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Credit gambar ntuk my friend Dzulhafiz... I cilok dari Facebook! :) |
Sayme and I was here, and we loved it!
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