Student Portal Berwajah Baru

Hell yeah!!! This is the kind of thing that I never expected to see... Student Portal now looking fabulous with new layout and image!!!

I mean, check it out peeps!


See what I mean, bila bukak je page Student Portal, it's so organize, nampak teratur, nampak bersih je... Dulu, ingat tak cam mana rupa portal tue, sorry aku tak sempat snap gambar portal lama, cause I didn't expect the portal akan berubah wajah... :) Anyway, dulu punya version, fuh, very messy, ada banyak warna, semua tak bersusun, really, nampak cam meja aku yang tak kemas... Now it's all beautifully organize! I LIKE!!!

Look at this login page!!! Awwwwwww!!!

Terasa ada kesungguhan ntuk login bila nampak login page ini... Login tanpa ragu-ragu! OH!

Hahaha... Okay, maybe I over excited about the new layout... However, you cannot deny that it look so much better now... Students yang banyak berurusan kat student portal like me, really appreciate this new layout, sebab yang lama,,, not interesting, at all, whatsoever. Hahaha.

Nice isn't it?!

Akhirnya, boleh la kata yang orang UiTM yang handle page nie buat keje sket... Usually, masa kat portal lama, banyak news-news and announcement yang lapok, sampai aku bleh ingat apa dia tulis, walapun announcement tu bukan ntuk aku...

And aku banyak dengar komplain pasal Timeline di Facebook! Hey, it's new. Get used to it. I think it's pretty too... 


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