Introduction to Prince Charming...
So, my friend FakhrulZakry ( convince me to do this. He said, it can bring success to my life. I might end up as celebrity in the future. How would that happen? Idk*. Hehehe... I cannot believe that I am actually writing my first blog post. I usually READ blogs, not write them... Anyway, this could fun, kan?

Speaking-speakang sebab bila writing guna lappy, automatik jadi cam tu... Kenapa ye? Idk*...

Anyway, I'm gonna stop here. I'm not going to post a long article for my first post... Hehehe... And no, tajuk post ni memang takder kena mengena dengan saya... So, just ignore...

Yang mata hot semacam tu is Fakhrul Zakry... the other one is Badrul... Sooner or later, I will make further explaination about spesis manusia dua orang nie...
Speaking-speakang sebab bila writing guna lappy, automatik jadi cam tu... Kenapa ye? Idk*...
Wonder about my look? It's not a big secret... Bleh scroll down this picture below...

... Saye la nie, tengah makan mee bandung...
p/s: *Idk means; I DON'T KNOW...
Before I forgot, just wanted to wish everybody a...
ala. i tau u memang feeling feeling ala-ala prince charming kan..
budak tepi badrul salleh dalam picture